Everyone has a story.

I can help you tell yours.

Do you have a book idea — and an overwhelming sense of dread about getting back to the page? A novel that’s been percolating, stuck in your head for months… or even years?

Perhaps you have a manuscript that is *this close* but you need some honest, actionable feedback about what’s working, what’s not, and what your next steps are? Or you want a professional, objective eye on those first 50 pages before you send a round of queries?

Or hey, maybe you’re just up for random stories about language-learning, puppets, and what they’ve both taught me about writing?

You’re in the right place.

  • My clients are novelists, memoirists, poets, non-fiction authors, and academics — including those at work on their first books and those who’ve been writing for years! I provide developmental editing, manuscript critiques, and writing coaching. I also take on the occasional copyedit or proofreading job for manuscripts that have already been edited and are ready for a final polish.

  • I work with people developing their writing practice, whether you’re looking for more accountability and consistency as you begin a new project, or if you’re years-blocked and trying to remember how to bring joy and ease back to the process.

  • I also work with individuals and organizations that need a writer for a proposal or project, or a facilitator for a writing workshop. I help people find their voice on the page, and I help writers make good stories better.

photo by David Hawkins

I’m a writer, editor, translator, writing coach, and puppet-maker, with a consuming passion for language learning and an intense case of wanderlust.

Want to know more about me, and why you can trust me with your work?

Do you have a book? A story to tell? Expertise to share with others in your industry? A teeny-tiny seedling of an idea? Click below for the step-by-step details on how I help writers at all stages, from blocked and brainstorming to revising and ready to launch your work into the world.

Just here for the Italian and the puppets? Visit my blog for thoughts on writing, language-learning, and arts nerdery of all kinds.

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I’ll also send you 10 Free & Cheap Ways to Fall Back in Love With Writing: experiments to bring more ease into your next project or your next chapter.